I’ve received another Great Internet Migratory Box of Electronic Junk – this one from Chicago.
It took me a little while to get this one out the door, but it has been passed on towards greener pastures.
This box contained a variety of toys, oddly enough ANOTHER US Robotics Data/Fax Modem, a huge amphenol connector (which meant I had to include a bigger one!), a hard drive, several coax in-line amplifiers, a whole box full of random IC’s. A nice decade set of capacitors, a dead backup battery, some adjustable capacitors and much more electronic “stuff”
I ended up pulling out the decade capacitor set, a set of pressure sensitive resistors, a CF card, a random 6 pin connector I run into a lot on old equipment, and last but not least an ancient PCMCIA flash card:
I ended up adding a development kit from Freescale Semiconductor, a huge capacitor, a giant amphenol connector and an old police radio that doesn’t seem to work??
Additionally, I realized today this box of decade capacitors has random smilie faces drawn on them:
At any rate, the box has been passed on to Tim and will hopefully be on it’s way to another lucky recipient shortly!